Bought my very first EEG device a few weeks ago and it finally arrived in the mail yesterday, exciting! Just a simple TGAM kit from Sichiray.
Now I just need to figure out how to use it.
Brainwave Principle
Brain waves can be divided into five categories according to frequency: β wave (conscious 14-30HZ), α wave (bridge consciousness 8-14HZ), θ wave (subconscious 4-8Hz) and δ wave (unconscious below 4Hz) and γ wave ( Focus on something above 30HZ) etc. The combination of these consciousnesses forms a person’s internal and external behavior, emotions, and learning performance. And we can also observe the current state of a person by detecting the frequency of the brain wave signal
Would probably be easier to buy a Star Wars Force Trainer II or a Muse headset and hack it, or a Neurosky kit, they come with instructions and apps. Will look into these and other options this week.
An instruction manual from Neurosky for Mindset to get you started:
31 pages. I have a lot of reading to do this week.
Also need to catch up on work, have been off sick for a couple of weeks. Next few weeks are going to be busy.
Spring is here. Weather will be gorgeous, forests lush and green soon. This is going to be a good summer, I can feel it.
Still planning to move to the beach, have not wavered on this decision, am looking forward to living next to the ocean again so very much. I’m feeling very good about this decision, feeling very optimistic about life in general.
am going to try convincing the owner of the company i work for to buy a hotel on the west coast with a lil vinyl/comic shop in it so the staff can work in both locations and live the best of both worlds in Quebec and the Pacific Northwest, if he won’t do it then maybe i will. who knows. the future is bright and anything can happen.
to note: added magnesium bisglycinate to my diet last week and it has indeed alleviated quite a bit of depression, anxiety and anger, as well as gastroparesis. i had a migraine this month but no vomiting, i also ate some dairy, tomatoes and potatoes and didn’t vomit either. and this is exceptional. this almost never happens, especially at the peak of my cycle. am also taking zinc and my nails seem stronger.
i’m figuring out what works best for my mind and body, things are improving.
am taking ALCAR. tyrosine. taurine too.
speaking of taurine. i started taking taurine last year and now no longer crave red meat. have stopped eating beef, though i still buy liver for my cats. i believe the taurine is responsible for this. i’m also taking glutamine which may help curb meat cravings too, helps with digestion.
+ taking vitamin C. Q10. two types of vitamin D. i take a bit of cysteine but i don’t like it because it makes me feel spaced out, slow and stupid. won’t be buying any more NAC.
am also taking cod liver oil every day. and oxiracetam every few days. racetams are cognitive enhancers, helps me focus on tasks, study, work and clean my house. don’t like sitting in a chair for more than an hour or two because of this, motivates me to get off my ass and move around every couple of hours. this is great and works well with the standing desk i have in my home office. a standing desk in my office at work would be helpful too, doesn’t feel healthy sitting down in a chair all day at work when i have a standing desk at home. now that i’ve tasted the sweet, sweet standing-desk life i can’t go back to the old-fashioned leg-cramping butt-numbing sit-down-desk life.
hate the feeling of my asscheeks going numb from sitting down for too long. 40 hours per week like this? fuck no.
anyway. i need to get dressed, have breakfast and log in to work.
wishing you all a most excellent week <3