it balances perfectly, stands up straight, feels very well constructed. i bought some heavy-duty metal feet to add to the shelf just in case, but haven’t needed to install them as the shelf holds up well by itself. helps that there is a heavy pine backboard which pulls weight towards the wall rather than tipping forward. very pleased with this considering I was speeding through the process as fast as possible in order to build it quickly without annoying the neighbours too much with the noise. built this whole shelf in about 4 hours! all by myself. this shelf weighs about half my body weight, so… lol.
anyway. turns out, i’m a natural born cloutier? makes sense. our family name is Cloutier (Cloutier-Dupont). has been for hundreds of years, at that point it becomes part of a family tree’s dna, doesn’t it? my mother is a very talented artist and craftsman as well. she’s not only a very good artist but can apply it in a very practical (useful) manner. she never made too much money at it but i’m a good accountant, i probably could.
there is an opportunity out there waiting for me to actualize it…
it’s just a shelf. but considering it is my first try at such a tall, heavy piece of furniture. and i built it as quickly as possible, no dawdling or too much time to think it through. i slapped it together, and slapped it good.
i even added little hard wood screw hole caps to make it pretty. come on. it’s a work of art. i love it.