scrambled eggs

what my brain feels like when experiencing acute traumatic stress

it’s temporary, thank goodness, but devastating

panicked, like a trapped and cornered animal, essentially.

i’m learning to recognize dangerous people and immediately take measures to protect myself and move to a healthier environment rather than freezing and allowing the behaviour and abuse to continue for months on end.

Self-defence against Machiavellian personalities, I need to fuckin’ master it.

of course what I admire most in a good band is their ability to work in perfect harmony with each other to create something beautiful together

a trait I struggle greatly with

I was raised to resist peer pressure and resist doing the same thing that everybody else is doing. It’s not an inherent trait, I was taught to behave this way. Resist peer pressure.

There must be a way to teach children to be individuals and think for themselves, but also play well with others.


I admire a group of people who work in perfect harmony together to create a beautiful thing. Not just music, but pretty much anything useful or pretty or interesting.