scrambled eggs

what my brain feels like when experiencing acute traumatic stress

it’s temporary, thank goodness, but devastating

panicked, like a trapped and cornered animal, essentially.

i’m learning to recognize dangerous people and immediately take measures to protect myself and move to a healthier environment rather than freezing and allowing the behaviour and abuse to continue for months on end.

Self-defence against Machiavellian personalities, I need to fuckin’ master it.

of course what I admire most in a good band is their ability to work in perfect harmony with each other to create something beautiful together

a trait I struggle greatly with

I was raised to resist peer pressure and resist doing the same thing that everybody else is doing. It’s not an inherent trait, I was taught to behave this way. Resist peer pressure.

There must be a way to teach children to be individuals and think for themselves, but also play well with others.


I admire a group of people who work in perfect harmony together to create a beautiful thing. Not just music, but pretty much anything useful or pretty or interesting.

Pioneer life

I’m thinking about buying a solid 4×4 hybrid that can haul at mid-size trailer and taking my time driving it to the west coast with my cats and perhaps a small dog and a human or two, we’ll see… and living in it until I can find a house to rent with a yard or a live-in workspace with a sunny yard I can use.

All I know is, I want to manage my own space rather than living in someone else’s space and it needs to be pet-friendly with some sort of quiet outdoor yard with direct sunlight so I can plant a garden and work on projects outside as needed.

This is better than a hostel or Airbnb especially if I’m parked near a beach or in a secure RV park with a pool etc. and the same price as a studio in any major city along the west coast except I actually own my own home and can move it at will. Sounds like a nice way to relax and repair my broken ass self for a year or two as I work on starting my own business, hopefully improving the community in some way that doesn’t make me feel like shit to live a financially comfortable lifestyle.

It’ll do

Gaslighters, rogues and patriots

what’s great about this tv series, Patriot, aside from the jangly folk songs the lead actor sings in cafes and dive bars, is the weight of his depression. he knows his father is an egomaniacal intelligence operative who’s making up fake scenarios just so he has an excuse to go on rogue operations. but his son is the one taking all the abuse and living with the guilt of it, being complicit in killing innocent people just to fluff up his father’s ego.

the egos of our fathers something something…