beautiful weather

but there is nowhere beautiful to go

within a two hour driving radius around the island of Montreal there are a handful of low mountain peaks, lakes and freshwater beaches but the water quality is questionable. coliform, runoff.

the Saguenay fjord is beautiful but is a full day drive from here, two days lost just driving each way. much too far from Montreal for a weekend trip.

Vancouver has coastal beaches, lakes and some hot springs within a 2-hour radius. This is more important to me now.

I love Montreal’s architecture and French culture, it’s cheaper than Vancouver so artists can survive more easily, thus a high proportion of artists with time to burn and experiment. But I’m an artist, music and art will be with me no matter where I go… planting little seeds of art and music like a littlest hobo. like nomads do. So… no need to stay here anymore.

I feel trapped and repressed and claustrophobic in Quebec. No longer fun or inspiring.

Too many artists, not enough athletes, people who love healthy living.

Too much partying, not enough BUILDING.

I’m reminded of Hackworth and Miranda joining the Drummers in Diamond Age, getting lost in a haze for many years, like Dorothy falling into a dangerous trance in poppy fields preventing her from saving herself and moving on to the next chapter of her life.

Onto new adventures.

this is how I feel about my lost years in Montreal.

what have I even accomplished here with my life?